Paediatric Stoma Nurse Group
In order to apply for full membership you need to be one of the following:
A neonatal or paediatric stoma nurse
A neonatal or paediatric surgical nurse specialist working with stomas
An adult stoma nurse providing stoma care within a paediatric tertiary specialist centre
A paediatric community nurse providing stoma care in community
There is a fee of £10 per year for an individual and you or a member of your team must attend at least one of the 3 PSNG meetings each year.
Full membership will entitle you to:
A discount on our study days
Involvement in meetings and the development of future documentation
Apply for funding for conferences and study days
Have access to the PSNG directory
Have the privilege of decision making, voting and/or holding office
Before applying to PSNG please read the group guidelines above to check if you are eligible to apply, if you wish to continue please follow the steps below;
Click on the application form button below
Complete the online form and press submit.
Your application will be discussed by the committee.
Once a decision has been made you will be informed in writing of the outcome with an explanation of how to pay membership fees.
Thereafter if you wish to maintain your Membership, fees must be paid by the end of January each year.